Chaulmoogra Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae Clade:
Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Achariaceae
Genus: Hydnocarpus
Species: H. wightianus
Binomial name Hydnocarpus wightianus

Organic Chaulmoogra oil

Hydnocarpus wightiana or Chaulmoogra is a tree in the Achariaceae family. Chaulmoogra oil from its seeds.

Uses of Chaulmoogra oil

Chaulmoogra oil has been widely used in Indian medicine and Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of leprosy. It entered early Western medicine in the 19th-century before the era of sulfones and antibiotics for the treatment of several skin diseases and leprosy.

 Buy Chaulmoogra oil

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