Neem Fertilizer Cake(Non-edible de-oiled cake)

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Neem cake, de-oiled cake, is one of the organic manure which is the by-product obtained in the process of cold pressing of neem tree fruits and kernels. Neem cake is a potential source of organic manure.  Neem cake has demonstrated considerable potential as a fertilizer.


Neem cake packaging


Packaging Type: PP Bag

Purity (%): 99% 

Shelf Life: 3 yrs

Organic: Yes 

Country Of Origin: India.



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Neem seed cake as an organic manure and nitrification inhibitor.


Specifications of neem cake ?

Neem Cake has considerable quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growth. Neem cake is one of the totally botanical product which is source of 100% natural NPK content and other essential micro nutrients as


N(Nitrogen 2.0% to 5.0%),

P(Phosphorus 0.5% to 1.0%),

K(Potassium 1.0% to 2.0%),

Ca(Calcium 0.5% to 3.0%),

Mg(Magnesium 0.3% to 1.0%),

S(Sulphur 0.2% to 3.0%),

Zn(Zinc 15 ppm to 60 ppm),

Cu(Copper 4 ppm to 20 ppm),

Fe (Iron 500 ppm to 1200 ppm),

Mn (Manganese 20 ppm to 60 ppm).


Neem cake is also the rich in both sulphur compounds and bitter limonoids.


How to apply neem cake to plants?

Applying neem cake to plants is a simple process that can provide numerous benefits, including improved soil fertility, enhanced plant growth, and natural pest control. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply neem cake effectively:

Choose the Right Neem Cake: Ensure you have high-quality neem cake that is free from contaminants and has a balanced nutrient composition. You can purchase neem cake from garden centers, nurseries, or agricultural supply store.

Prepare the Soil: Before applying neem cake, prepare the soil by removing any weeds, rocks, or debris from the planting area. Loosen the soil to a depth of a few inches using a garden fork or hoe to improve aeration and water penetration.

Calculate the Application Rate: Determine the appropriate amount of neem cake to apply based on the size of the planting area and the specific needs of your plants. As a general guideline, you can use 100-200 grams of neem cake per square meter of soil surface for established plants.

Apply Neem Cake Around Plants: Sprinkle the calculated amount of neem cake evenly around the base of the plants, avoiding direct contact with the stems. Spread the neem cake in a thin layer to ensure even distribution.

Incorporate Neem Cake into Soil: Using a rake or garden fork, lightly incorporate the neem cake into the topsoil, mixing it with the soil surface. Be gentle to avoid damaging the plant roots.

Water the Soil: After applying neem cake, water the soil thoroughly to help activate the nutrients and encourage their absorption by the plant roots. Watering also helps prevent the neem cake from drying out and blowing away.

Repeat Applications: Depending on the plant's growth stage and soil condition, you may need to repeat the neem cake application every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Monitor the plant's response and adjust the application frequency as needed.

Consideration for Seedlings: When applying neem cake to seedlings or young plants, use a lower application rate to avoid overwhelming them with nutrients. Gradually increase the application rate as the plants mature.

Combination with Other Fertilizers: Neem cake can be used alone or combined with other organic fertilizers for enhanced benefits. It complements well with compost, vermicompost, or other organic soil amendments.


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Organic Fertilizer:

Neem cake is widely used as an organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also contains natural pesticides and nematicides, which help in controlling pests and soil-borne pathogens.

Pest Control:

Due to its natural pesticide properties, neem cake can be used to control various pests in agriculture. It disrupts the growth and reproduction of insect pests like aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars, and nematodes, reducing their population and minimizing crop damage.

Soil Amendment:

Neem cake improves soil structure and fertility by enhancing microbial activity and nutrient uptake by plants. It promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, which aid in decomposing organic matter and releasing nutrients for plant uptake.



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Biological Nematicide:

Neem cake acts as a biological nematicide, effectively controlling nematodes in the soil. It contains compounds like azadirachtin and salannin, which inhibit the growth and development of nematodes, thus reducing their population and protecting crops from nematode damage.


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Livestock Feed Additive:

In some cases, neem cake can be used as a feed additive for livestock. However, its bitter taste and potential toxicity to certain animals limit its usage in this regard. Proper processing and dosage are necessary to mitigate any adverse effects on animals.


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Neem cake can be added to compost piles to accelerate the decomposition process and improve the quality of compost. It provides a source of organic matter and nutrients for decomposer organisms, leading to faster breakdown of organic waste into nutrient-rich compost.

Soil pH Regulation:

Neem cake has a slightly acidic pH, which can help in regulating soil pH levels, especially in alkaline soils. It counteracts the alkalinity of the soil and promotes a more balanced pH environment for optimal plant growth.


Neem cake powder packaging


Packaging Type: PP Bag

Purity (%): 99% 

Shelf Life: 3 yrs

Organic: Yes 

Country Of Origin: India



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